
A multifaceted and unique nature, pure hospitality, spectacular sites, magnificent mosaics and the finest cuisine. All this awaits you in the small country of Jordan.

Why travel to Jordan?

Whether you're looking for culture, nature, relaxation or adrenaline, Jordan's magical facets offer you everything you're looking for. Stroll along an Arabian bazaar, feel the vastness of the desert, taste the culinary delights, enjoy the hospitality of the locals or jump off meter-high cliffs while canyoning. In Jordan, thousands of years of history meet a modern, cosmopolitan society. Let yourself be enchanted and dive into a new world.


In Jordan, the usual ways of preparing food are baking, grilling or stuffing. Here, vegetables filled with rice or meat, such as eggplants or peppers, are particularly impressive. Also the dumplings "Joshpara/Tushbera", with a filling of meat and spices, in a yogurt sauce are available in almost every restaurant. In addition to the typical Jordanian meat dishes, such as shish kebab, kofta or mansaf, it is typical in Jordan to order many small "appetizers" to accompany the main course, true to the motto: "Until the table is full". These popular dishes include hummus, falafel, ful or mutabbal, for example. Most dishes are served with rice or warm pita bread. It is important to eat with the right hand, as only this is considered clean. Tea is considered a typical drink for any time of day unlike coffee. Coffee is usually served in a small cup after the meal.


In Jordan, 93 % of the population are Muslims. Islam is thus firmly anchored in the country's culture and functions as the state religion. Ramadan, the month of fasting according to the Islamic lunar calendar, is therefore an essential part of the culture. Some Bedouins move through the country as nomads with all their belongings and their herds of goats, others have settled in small villages. It is definitely worthwhile to get an insight into the culture of the Bedouins and to hear stories about their life under the starry sky. Even if the style of dress of the Jordanians in the tourist areas is very Western, you should still make sure, especially in the more rural areas and the desert, to dress appropriately and face the culture with respect.


Jordan has 10.2 million inhabitants, of which 2.3 million live in the beautiful capital Amman. "Ahlan wa sahlan" translates as "Welcome". In Jordan, these words are not just empty phrases. Warmth and generosity are deeply rooted in the Middle Eastern culture of welcome, at the heart of which is: sharing food and drink. Should you ever be the lucky guests of an Ammani family, you should not refuse the food offered to you, as this is considered rude. In addition, during the traditional round of drinks, 3 cups of coffee are served - one to welcome you, one to enjoy, and one as a sign of respect.


Jordan's climate is largely arid and there are many desert areas, but the country still has a rich flora. The fauna, on the other hand, is somewhat less species-rich, but there are some exotic desert animals and many bird species to be discovered. Jordan is also home to the lowest reserve on earth, Wadi Mijib Nature Reserve, at 410 meters below sea level.

Jordan national language


Jordan Currency

Jordanian dinar (1 euro ≈ 0.77)

How do I say thank you in Jordan?

شكرا (Shukran)

Jordan Time Zone

Between November and February Jordan is +2 hours ahead of Germany, the remaining months the time difference is +3 hours.

Best time to travel to Jordan

April, May, October and November

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Secret places in Jordan

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