Best time to visit Iceland: When to travel to Iceland?

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You ask yourself: What is the best time to travel to Iceland? Iceland - the island of natural wonders, located in the middle of the North Atlantic between two tectonic plates. The country impresses with hot springs, raging waterfalls and breathtaking landscapes. The island of fire and ice has a lot to offer. To get the most out of your trip to Iceland, the travel time is very important in the planning. Everything you need to know about it, we have summarized here for you.

Weather and climate

Iceland is located near the Arctic Circle and has four seasons. Overall, the climate is oceanic-cool. This means cool summers and comparatively mild winters for the location. The country itself is again divided into different climate zones. Due to its location on the Gulf Stream, which flows west and south of Iceland and brings warmth from the Caribbean, the country's climate is relatively mild. When the warm Atlantic air mixes with the cold Arctic air from the north, rapid weather changes can occur.

The weather is very changeable throughout the year and you may experience all four seasons in one day. The average temperature in Reykjavík is about 1-2 °C in winter and about 12 °C in summer. The best time to travel depends on what you want to see and do in the city.

Iceland in summer

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The Icelandic summer season runs from late May to September. The summer months are perfect for hiking and trekking. With average temperatures of 12-15 degrees, the months of June, July and August are the warmest on the island. In some regions, the thermometer can sometimes read over 20 degrees Celsius. In addition, the days are longest in summer and there are comparatively few rainy days. Be prepared for a maximum of twelve rainy days per month in summer. Due to the good weather conditions, June, July and August are considered the high season with the most tourists.

Iceland in winter

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The Icelandic winter is not as cold as you might think. The average temperatures in the plains and on the coasts are around freezing point. This means that temperatures can be above 0 °C quite often even in winter, and rain falls instead of snow. Along the north coast, winter is a few degrees colder, and sometimes the sea can freeze in the fjords. Winter is coldest in the interior of Iceland. The altitude and glaciers determine the climate here and temperatures can drop to -15°C or below from November to April.

Best time to travel for election observation

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A whale watching tour is at the top of many people's bucket list. Nowhere else in Europe is the probability of encountering whales as high as in Iceland. The main months for whale watching in Iceland are June and July. During the summer months, humpback, minke and fin whales are particularly common in Iceland's seas. With a little luck you can also spot blue whales. In the north of the island, the chance of seeing humpback whales, orcas and dolphins is particularly high between the months of May and August.

Best time to go ice caving

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Most of the ice caves are located beneath the Vatnajökull glacier, Europe's largest glacier. The winter months from November to March are best for exploring a natural ice cave. The rest of the year, temperatures are warmer and the glacier slowly begins to melt. Glacial rivers form and parts of the caves, can crack and collapse. This is why you can't visit the caves during the summer months. When the temperatures start to drop again and the water freezes once more, new crystal blue ice caves form for you to explore.

Best time to see the aurora borealis

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A special natural phenomenon in Iceland are the beautiful northern lights. These are only visible between September and March. The basic requirement for seeing the lights in the night sky is complete darkness. Due to the midnight sun in the summer months, you won't be able to spot any lights in the sky at this time. The best chance of seeing the Northern Lights is during the winter months from mid-October to March. But besides the right time to travel, you also need a bit of luck, because whether you can observe the colourful lights in the sky depends on other factors such as the visibility conditions or the degree of light pollution.

Best time for hot springs

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You can visit Iceland's hot springs all year round. Since the country is located directly on a geothermal hotspot of the earth, there are numerous thermal pools on the island. A tip: Visit the hot springs in September or early October, when most mountain roads are still passable to reach all the springs and the tourist crowds have died down considerably.

Have you been impressed by the weather in Iceland and are curious to discover more of the country? If you are looking for a good mix of city, culture and unspoilt nature, then our group tours are definitely for you. With us you can experience the traditions and ways of life in Iceland. Iceland get to know yourself and experience breathtaking adventures.

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