Coffee in Colombia: The fascinating paradise for coffee lovers 2023

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The coffee in Colombia Coffee in Colombia is considered one of the highest quality and tastiest in the world. To become as good as it is today, Colombian coffee has a rich history behind it. Dive with us into the fascinating world of coffee growing and discover why Colombia should be on every coffee fanatic's bucket list!

History of coffee in Colombia

The history of coffee cultivation in Colombia dates back to the 18th century, when coffee was first imported from Europe. The cultivation of coffee in Colombia began near Bogotá and spread from there to other parts of the country.

According to tradition, coffee cultivation in Colombia began in 1723 on the initiative of the priest José Gumilla. As a lover of coffee, the Jesuit encouraged the cultivation of the plants. He is said to have offered the faithful to plant three to four coffee trees instead of the usual penance at confession.

Coffee cultivation spread rapidly and soon there were many small farmers growing coffee. In 1927, the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC) was founded to promote and organize coffee cultivation in Colombia. To this day, the FNC remains one of the most important institutions in the Colombian coffee industry and has helped make Colombia one of the most important coffee producers in the world.

In the 1950s, better farming methods were introduced and Colombia began to focus on the production of high quality coffee. Colombian coffee is now known worldwide for its high quality and unique flavors.

Coffee In Colombia

The cultivation and harvest

Coffee in Colombia is grown with great care. Most of the coffee plantations are located in the center of the country, especially in the so-called "Coffee triangle„:

  • Caldas
  • Risaralda
  • Quindío

The coffee farmers in Colombia mainly use the Arabica bean, which is known for its full-bodied aroma and quality. The plants themselves can grow up to 5 meters high and need a lot of sun and regular rainfall to grow. 

The coffee beans are harvested twice a year. The harvest time is usually from March to June and again from September to December. Most of the harvesting is done by hand. Only the ripe coffee cherries are picked from the tree, i.e. only the red fruits. 

The majority of producers in Colombia prefer the wet processing method. Here, the fruits are washed with plenty of water within 12 to 24 hours after harvesting. This removes the skins and pulp from them. The fermentation process then begins, during which the remaining skin is removed and the fruit is washed and dried again.

Coffee Beans Are Dried Colombia

Coffee types and taste

Coffee in Colombia has a very diverse taste, depending on the growing region. From rich and heavy coffees with hints of chocolate or currants to sweet and fruity beans with a mild acidity, there is something for everyone.

Some of the most extraordinary Coffee varieties from Colombia are:

1. Geisha: Geisha coffee develops its flavor only when it thrives at an altitude of 1,600 meters or more. It was originally grown in Ethiopia and was then brought to Central America before finally becoming native to Colombia. The coffee has a floral aroma that brings nuances of bergamot and yasmine.

2. Maragogype: The coffee beans of the Maragogype variety are known for their unusually large size. They are also called "elephant beans". Maragogype coffee is usually mild and has nuances of heavy fruit, chocolate and spices.

3. Castillo: Castillo coffee variety was developed by Colombian scientists to be more resistant to coffee rust. Castillo coffee is known for its strong and spicy flavor and is grown in different regions of Colombia.

4. Wush Wush: Originally the variety comes from Ethiopia and was brought to Colombia about 30 years ago. The plant is not very productive, but its flavor is exceptional - with notes of lemongrass, jasmine and rose, and a pronounced acidity. The name Wush-Wush comes from a village in the Keffa region of Ethiopia, where the coffee beans originate.

Coffee Growers In Colombia

Coffee tourism in Colombia

Of course, a visit to the coffee farms must not be missed! There are many farms that specialize in coffee cultivation. They offer you insights into the history, cultivation and harvesting methods as well as processing techniques. Coffee tastings and samplings are often offered as well. Most coffee tours take place in the coffee triangle.

On some tours you can even harvest some of the coffee yourself.

There is also a Coffee Museumwhere the history of coffee in Colombia and the importance of coffee is shown. You can find it in the coffee park "Parque Nacional del Café". 

Coffee In Colombia

Sustainability in coffee cultivation

Also in terms of Sustainability Colombian coffee cultivation has a lot to offer:

  • Rainforest Alliance Certification: This certification works to protect rainforests and promote sustainable agricultural practices. The certification requires certain environmental and social standards, such as wildlife protection, sustainable land use and fair wages for workers.
  • Federación Nacional de Cafeteros: The FNC focuses on protecting natural resources and supporting coffee farmers. They have developed programs that help coffee growers use less water and energy and reduce waste and emissions.
  • In Colombia, there are also producers who have switched to organic coffee farming and use fair trade practices. These farmers do not use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers and pay special attention to the environmental impact of their production. In addition, farmers receive fair wages for their work and are supported to improve their income through diversification and education.
Coffee Beans And Landscape Colombia

Coffee in Colombia

The black gold of Colombia is of excellent quality! One Trip to Colombia will give you unforgettable moments and bring you closer to the aromatic coffee. You will also be amazed by the nature and the picturesque landscapes. So don't wait any longer and plunge into the adventures that Colombia has to offer!
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