4 sustainable projects in Colombia - active nature conservation and social responsibility

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Sustainable projects in Colombia are becoming increasingly important, as the effects of climate change, overuse of natural resources and environmental pollution are also posing a major challenge for the country. The projects aim to protect the environment and promote the country's economic growth in an environmentally sustainable way. Learn more about some of these remarkable projects and their impact on the environment and the local community!

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Biosphere Reserve

The UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta is an exceptional area in Colombia. It is known for its unique biodiversity and its role as home to the indigenous peoples of the Kogi and Arhuaco. It is a well-known example of sustainable projects in Colombia and a model project for other biosphere reserves in the region.

The reserve covers an area of more than 17,000 square kilometers and includes various ecosystems such as wet forests, dry forests, cloud forests, swamps and rivers. It is home to more than 600 bird species, over 200 mammal species and numerous endemic plant and animal species.

The knowledge and culture of indigenous communities play a crucial role in the protection and conservation of the biosphere reserve. The Kogi and Arhuaco peoples believe in a close connection between humans and nature and that their survival depends on a healthy environment. They have lived in harmony with nature for centuries and have a deep understanding of the ecosystems that surround them. This understanding enables them to use and conserve resources wisely.

The biosphere reserve is also an important place for the protection of endangered species such as the golden lion monkey and the great harpy eagle. Conservation of the reserve includes the establishment of protected zones and the monitoring of illegal activities such as poaching and illegal land use.

In addition, the biosphere reserve plays an important role in promoting sustainable tourism and economic development in the region. The tourism sector has been designed to respect the natural environment of the reserve and to be in harmony with the culture and way of life of the local communities. For Traveler there is the possibility to participate in guided walks through the national parks to experience the area and its endemic species up close.

The Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Biosphere Reserve is a unique example of sustainable projects in Colombia and a model for biosphere reserves in other parts of the world. It clearly demonstrates that protection and preservation of the environment and its inhabitants are closely linked and that sustainable development is the key to the well-being of people and nature.

Gold Monkey

REDD+ Sur del Meta Project 

The REDD+ Sur del Meta Project was launched to reduce deforestation in the region and preserve biodiversity. This is achieved by promoting alternative sources of income for the local population, which was previously dependent on the timber industry and agriculture.

The project covers an area of 84,000 hectares and includes a wide range of measures to protect the environment. These include restoring secondary forests, improving soil quality and restoring wetlands. All these measures help to reduce the carbon footprint and counteract climate change.

In addition, the project supports communities in converting to sustainable land use practices. This includes promoting agroforestry and introducing sustainable fishing techniques. The aim is to provide the communities with alternative sources of income that are not based on the destruction of the environment.

The REDD+ Sur del Meta project has already achieved impressive results. Deforestation rates in the region have dropped dramatically and biodiversity has improved. At the same time, communities are better able to sustain their livelihoods without destroying the environment.

Overall, the REDD+ Sur del Meta project is a prime example of sustainable projects in Colombia. It shows that it is possible to reconcile environmental protection and economic development to create a better future for all.

Sustainable Projects In Colombia

Ciudad Don Bosco

The Ciudad Don Bosco project is an excellent example of a sustainable project in Colombia that is making a positive difference to the lives of many people in the community. It enables children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to have a better future through education and training.

The project was founded in 1963 and built on a former wasteland. The project offers food and agricultural production, a school, a technical institute , a training center and a university center for 3500 students.

The project focuses on the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental justice. The school and technical institute provide young people with skills and knowledge that will enable them to earn a higher income as adults. The training center also offers adults the opportunity to learn new skills in various fields and improve their living conditions.

In addition, the project provides jobs for the local population who work on the farmland and help produce food for the project. The land is managed sustainably and used in an environmentally friendly way. The project produces vegetables, fruits, and livestock feed that is sold at the local market. In addition, livestock feed is made from surplus corn, corn cobs, and other byproducts to minimize waste and make the project more environmentally sustainable.

The Ciudad Don Bosco project has had a far-reaching positive impact on the community and has helped many people improve their living conditions. It is an outstanding example of sustainable projects in Colombia and shows the difference that responsible thinking and action can make in people's lives.

Find now on the Website of Ciudad Don Bosco find out how you can support!

Sustainable Projects In Colombia

Federación Nacional de Cafeteros

The Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (National Coffee Association) is a unique, sustainable project in Colombia that, since its inception in 1927, has been Coffee production supports and promotes in the country. The association works with over 500,000 coffee farmers in Colombia and has a strong focus on sustainability.

One of the goals of the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros is to improve the living conditions of coffee farmers in Colombia. Through fair working conditions, training and courses in sustainable agriculture and effective resource management, they contribute to reducing poverty and malnutrition in rural communities.

Another important focus of the coffee association is environmental protection, particularly the protection of wildlife habitats and the conservation of natural resources. The association promotes the use of sustainable coffee production methods such as shade cultivation and crop sorting to enable the protection of biodiversity and the natural environment.

The Federación Nacional de Cafeteros also conducts research into coffee production and develops new technologies specifically adapted to the climatic conditions in Colombia. In this way, it helps coffee farmers know more about how to improve their yields and income and better respond to future challenges such as climate change.

Overall, the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros is one of the leading and most innovative sustainability projects in Colombia. Its work improves coffee production in Colombia, enhances the quality of life of coffee farmers and protects the environment. In this way, it contributes in many ways to the sustainable development of the country.

Hands Sorting Freshly Harvested Coffee Cherries

Sustainable projects in Colombia

Colombia is on a promising path to advance sustainable projects and help protect its unique nature and resource-rich environment. The projects show that sustainability and economic growth can go hand in hand when supported by innovative technologies and collaboration between government, businesses and communities. Colombia's efforts in this area are an inspiring example for other countries working towards a sustainable future.

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