8 wild encounters in the heart of Uganda - A voyage of discovery into the world of animals

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Welcome to a world of wonder and beauty. Uganda is home to some of the most spectacular wildlife on the African continent. The majestic mountain gorillas that live deep in the country's dense forests and mountains are just one example of the diversity and beauty of the wildlife. Come with us on a journey through the country and discover the breathtaking creatures that live in this pristine environment!

Mountain gorillas

Uganda has a special and fascinating species of gorillas, the mountain gorillas. Known for their serenity and proud, defiant attitude, these majestic animals leave a lasting impression on the hearts of those who approach them. With their amazing intellect and impressive physical strength, mountain gorillas are a wonder of nature and an absolute dream for any animal lover.

There are three places where visitors can observe mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park, Mgahinga Gorilla National Park and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo are the best places and an absolute must for anyone who wants to experience the beauty and fascination of these special animals up close.

In Bwindi, trekking tours to observe the mountain gorillas are possible on any day, whether dry or rainy season. The park is open year round and is rich in gorillas with a population of 400 mountain gorillas. There are also a variety of other wildlife native to this region, such as chimpanzees and colobus monkeys, which travelers can also observe during their stay. This national park awaits you among others on our TripLegend Uganda Adventure Trip!

Mgahinga Gorilla National Park is another great way to see mountain gorillas in Uganda. Located a short walk from Bwindi, it is the smallest national park in Uganda, but despite its size, it is a natural habitat for mountain gorillas. Hikes and other activities centered around gorilla viewing are frequently offered here, and it is an ideal place for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the larger parks.

When you join us on a mountain gorilla tour in Uganda, you'll experience an adventure you'll never forget. With their fluffy fur and big, alert eyes, mountain gorillas are a species that will captivate you forever!

Uganda - Mountain gorilla baby


Hippos are fascinating creatures and widespread in Uganda. The gray giants live in the slow-moving waters of the Nile and its tributaries, as well as in the country's large lakes and swamps. They are known for their massive, buoyant bodies and imposing, chunky heads. They can grow up to 3.5 meters long and weigh over 1.8 tons.

In Uganda there are several National Parkswhere hippos can be observed in their natural environment. The most famous is Murchison Falls National Park, where they can be seen in large groups in the waterways. Queen Elizabeth National Park also offers good opportunities to observe hippos. To get very close to the animals, boat safaris can also be booked here.

It is particularly impressive to observe the hippos during their daily activities. They usually live in groups of 10 to 20 animals and are nocturnal, which is why they rest in the water during the day. At night they go ashore to eat grass and other plants. Hippos are very social animals and communicate with each other by grunting, roaring and jaw chattering.

Hippos play an important role in the ecological balance of Uganda's waters and have therefore been declared a national heritage site. To ensure the preservation of these wonderful creatures, it is important that we consciously engage with them and treat their habitat with care.

Uganda - Three Hippos In One Water Body


Sitatungas, or swamp antelopes, are a unique species in Africa. In Uganda, these shy and hard to spot animals live in some of the most remote and swampy areas of the country. 

Sitatungas have a striking reddish-brown coloration that helps them camouflage themselves in the dense riparian vegetation. They have developed a special adaptation for life in the water. Their hooves are elongated and covered with fine hairs, allowing them to move on the marshy ground without sinking in. 

These animals are shy and usually avoid the proximity of humans. The best way to see sitatungas in Uganda is to take a boat trip on Lake Mburo in Queen Elizabeth National Park. Here you can watch these beautiful animals grazing in the calm water from a safe distance.

For animal lovers, there is no better place than Uganda to experience nature and wildlife up close, and the rare sitatungas are an absolute highlight for any nature lover.

Uganda - Sitatunga In A Steppe


Leopards are fascinating animals that live in the forests and savannahs of Uganda. They are among the largest predators on the African continent and are known for their tactical skills in hunting prey.

In Uganda there are several national parks and game reserves where leopards can be observed in their natural environment. One of the most famous places is again the Queen Elizabeth National Park in southwestern Uganda. Here lives a variety of wildlife, including leopards, in forests and savannahs. 

Another place to see leopards in Uganda is Murchison Falls National Park in the north of the country. Here, too, there is a variety of wildlife and the scenery is breathtaking. The leopards here live in the forests and on the hills around the river.

There is also a leopard population in Kidepo Valley National Park in northeastern Uganda. The park is known for its pristine wilderness and offers visitors the opportunity to observe the animals in the wild.

Bigodi Wetland Sanctuary near Kibale National Park is another place where leopards can be seen. This sanctuary is known for its diverse birdlife and primate population, but there are also some leopards living in the forests.

To see leopards in Uganda, it is best to go with an experienced guide who knows the best places to observe the animals. It is important to observe the animals responsibly and not disturb their natural environment. With a little patience and luck, you can see some of the most beautiful leopards in Africa in Uganda.

Uganda - Leopard In A Tree

Mountain Zebras

Mountain zebras are a special species of zebra that, as the name suggests, is native to the mountains of Uganda. These animals are very characteristic and have a unique coat pattern that distinguishes them from other zebras. 

Mountain zebras live in groups and are excellent climbers, living on the steep mountain slopes of the region. They are very adaptable and can live in a wide variety of climates, from hot deserts to cold mountainous regions. In appearance, mountain zebras differ from plains zebras in that their stripes do not quite reach below the belly and they have a brown nose.

To see the mountain zebras in Uganda, there are several national parks where they live. One of the most famous is the Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. Here you can admire the mountain zebras along with other animals such as gorillas, golden monkeys and various species of birds. 

Another national park where mountain zebras can be seen is the Rwenzori Mountains National Park. This park is best known for its breathtaking mountain scenery and hiking opportunities, but also for its wildlife, which includes mountain zebras. 

It is important to know that the species of mountain zebra in Uganda is threatened with extinction and its protection is very important. For this reason it is important to respect the environment and follow the instructions of the parks and rangers.

Uganda's mountain zebras are an amazing example of the diversity of the country's wildlife and a precious heritage to be protected. For nature and wildlife lovers, they are a must see to experience all of Uganda's beauty.

Uganda mountain zebra


Chimpanzees are one of the most impressive creatures to see in Uganda. They are the closest relatives of humans and share almost 98% of our DNA. Kibale National Park in western Uganda is one of the best places to see these amazing animals.

When you enter the park, you are greeted by the sounds of chimpanzees. It is almost like a concert of screams and call-like sounds. You can observe several groups of chimpanzees roaming the forest, chasing and playing with each other.

Chimpanzees have a strong sense of community and live in groups of up to 100 animals. There are dominant chimpanzees that lead the group and keep order. Chimpanzees spend most of the day in trees and move through the forest with ease and dexterity.

It is also remarkable that chimpanzees are very intelligent. They use tools such as sticks and stones to find food and communicate with each other using a variety of sounds and gestures.

However, chimpanzee monitoring in Uganda presents some challenges. The African chimpanzee population is under severe threat from poaching, habitat loss and the spread of disease. However, travelers can help secure their future through responsible travel and sustainable travel choices.

Overall, the chimpanzees in Uganda offer an unforgettable nature experience that should not be missed. Their intelligence, sense of community and powerful presence in the forest are a true wonder of nature.

Uganda - Chimpanzee Close-Up


In Uganda, rhinos have always been a fascinating and impressive species of animals that inhabit the country's national parks and protected areas. The animals are known for their massive and muscular bodies, their typical gray color and their powerful horn on the broad nose.

In Uganda there are several species of rhinos. One of them is the white rhino, also called white rhino. It is the largest species of rhino in Africa and can weigh up to two tons. The other is the black rhino, which is rarer but also found in large numbers in Uganda.

These impressive animals live in the national parks in the interior, such as the Murchison Falls National Park, the Queen Elizabeth National Park and the Kidepo Valley National Park. There they are well protected and can live in their natural environment without being threatened by poachers.

Nevertheless, there are always challenges for the protection of rhinos in Uganda. Poaching and illegal hunting are still a big problem, to which many rhinos fall victim every year. Therefore, there are many programs in Uganda to protect these animals and to raise awareness on a national and international level.

Despite these challenges, rhinos are an important species in Uganda, contributing to species conservation and an important aspect of tourism for the country. Anyone traveling to Uganda should definitely visit the national parks to experience these impressive animals in their natural environment.

Uganda - Rhino With Baby

Vervet monkeys

The vervet monkey is a fascinating species of monkey that is native to Uganda. The animals owe their name to their dense, green fur, which protects them from enemies and the humid heat of the rainforest.

Vervet monkeys live in large groups of up to 40 animals. There is a clear hierarchy, which is led by a dominant female. The animals are very communicative and communicate among themselves with various sounds and gestures.

A special behavior of the vervet monkey is its preference for fruits and nuts. Often the animals look specifically for trees that bear these delicacies and then climb skillfully into the treetops to secure their meal.

For travelers, vervet monkeys are a wonderful experience on safaris and trekking tours. Thereby one has the opportunity to observe these fascinating animals in their natural environment and to learn more about their interesting life.

The best places in Uganda to see vervet monkeys are Kibale National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls National Park. In Kibale National Park, there is a large group of vervet monkeys that are easy to spot. In Queen Elizabeth National Park they can be seen in the open grass plains and savannahs, and in Murchison Falls National Park they can be seen on the riverbanks.

Vervet monkeys are an important species for the ecosystem in Uganda. They play an important role in spreading plant seeds and thus contribute to the regeneration of the forest. Anyone visiting Uganda should not miss the opportunity to observe these unique animals in their natural habitat.

Uganda - vervet monkey On branch

Wildlife in Uganda

Amidst the untouched landscape of Uganda, one experiences a world full of colors, sounds and movements. Wild animals such as gorillas, leopards and rhinos still roam freely in their natural habitat here. Visiting Uganda not only gives you an insight into Africa's fascinating wildlife, but also an impression of how important it is to preserve this beauty.

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